Thursday 12 July 2007

STOP !!!

Even if you keep aside the issue of morality and basic human conscience, the sheer stupidity of man is amazing.

Why are people having so many children? Everyone is talking about how population growth is one of the main concerns facing nearly every country today. Including those who are having those babies! Then why is it still happening? Are people in denial? Can they not see the hundreds of children forced into trafficking every year? Are they blind to the fact that there are so many children without families, waiting to be adopted? Or do they really think the construction of new schools will suffice to tackle the issue of there being absolutely no place to accommodate and educate the kids??

Sometimes I feel like taking a big red "STOP!!" sign and smashing it on the heads of the people who keep reproducing and having five or six children. Serious steps need to be taken to stop this madness.

I don’t think people realize just what is being talked about here. Its not just something to talk about at parties to pretend to sound intelligent you know. If you’re that smart, your actions should prove it.

Our planet is not going to get any bigger. If you keep having children like that, where are they going to go? Where will we put them? Doesn’t anyone realise that there is no room!?

Will the couples please understand that no one has a personal vendetta against them when they are asked to engage in a little family planning. Something needs to be done to make them understand this. Especially in the rural areas. Just telling people to do something isn't right. You have to explain to them. Make them see the reason behind it.

I also think that half the couples that have children do so without thought. It’s the automatic next step after marriage. Also, the idea of having children is so romantic and magical, I don’t think couples realize that having children isn’t like going on a vacation if you’re bored. Once they’re here, they’re yours to take care of for the next 18 years at least. You are responsible for them. You are responsible for their well being, the people they become. So do humanity a favour and don’t have children unless you really really want to be parents. There is nothing more cruel than having a child and then abandoning it- either metaphorically, or literally.

No one wants to steal your biological right to procreate.

We just care about the planet, ourselves, and most of all, the children- born and unborn.